MAS Analyser
MAS Analyser
The main artefact that is provided by this project is an analyser. This analyser is able to output:
- all errors and warnings found during parsing and validating a module or MAS.
- the ontology of a module or MAS when asked to do so (i.e., when the -ontology option is selected).
- statistics about the number of rules, mental state operators, built-in actions, action specifications, modules, and predicate definitions that are used in the agent or MAS when asked to do so (i.e., when the -statistics option is selected).
Run from Command Line
To run the analyser from the command line, enter:
java -jar languageTools-<versionnr>.analyser <filename or folder> [-ontology] [-statistics]
In case a single file is provided, the file should be a MAS, module, or test file. In case a folder is provided, the analyser will search the folder for such files and produce output for each.