This page contains a short guide on developing GOAL projects by using the Eclipse plug-in.


See Download and Install GOAL.

First use

Please note that if you are having performance issues whilst debugging, e.g. with many agents, the console buffer size can be reduced. The consoles for each agents and/or the action history can even be entirely disabled in the 'GOAL > Logging' preference category, where the logging itself can be fully tweaked as well.

Projects and Files




Debugging has been fully integrated for MAS projects ('.mas2g' files) into Eclipse.

Code stepping inside a module depends on the rule evaluation order that is used in that module. For example, in the event module that by default uses the linearall order, stepping into will step from one rule to the next rule and exit the module only after having finished the evaluation of the last rule. In the main module that by default uses the linear order, stepping into will step from one rule to the next until a rule that is applicable has been found; after applying this rule the module is left. In a module that uses the random order, a rule that is applicable is randomly selected; code stepping thus does not need to start with the first rule! Finally, also note that a module may be re-entered immediately again if an exit option different from 'always' has been set.


Note that we have a Q&A site available at We also have a GOAL Service Desk (requires registration first). The developer of this plug-in can also be reached at Please try the following steps first:

In addition, make sure you do not use any special characters in file paths, as this interferes with the debugging engine.

Further documentation

For more extensive documentation on the GOAL programming language itself or the use of the Eclipse plug-in (including debugging and testing), see the GOAL Programming Guide and the GOAL-Eclipse User Manual.